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        歡迎撥打檢測熱線 135-4327-2595




        FCC PART15標準問答

        瀏覽次數(shù): | 2009-12-14 11:45


        問題1:標準FCC Part 15 BB代表什么意思?
        答:其實準確的說 FCC Part 15 B應該是FCC Part 15 Class BB級數(shù)字裝置)。
        Class A
        Class B的定義:
        Class A digital device
        A digital device that is marketed for use in a commercial, industrial or business environment, exclusive of a device which is marketed for use by the general public or is
        intended to be used in the home.

        Class B digital device
        Class B digital device. A digital device that is marketed for use in a residential environment notwithstanding use in commercial, business and industrial environments. Examples of such devices include, but are not limited to, personal computers, calculators, and similar electronic devices that are marketed for use by the general public. Note: The responsible party may also qualify a device intended to be marketed in a commercial, business or industrial environment as a Class B device, and in fact is encouraged to do so, provided the device complies with the technical specifications for a Class B digital device. In the event that a particular type of device has been found to repeatedly cause harmful interference to radio communications, the Commission may classify such a digital device as a Class B digital device, regardless of its intended use.

        答:下面是FCC PART 15目錄章節(jié)內(nèi)容:
        Subpart A – General
        Subpart B - Unintentional Radiators
        Subpart C - Intentional Radiators
        Subpart D - Unlicensed Personal Communications Service Devices
        Subpart E - Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices
        Subpart F – Ultra-Wideband Operation
        Subpart G – Access Broadband Over Power Line (Access BPL)

        答:Intentional radiator(有意輻射體)-定義. A device that intentionally generates and emits radio frequency energy by radiation or induction. 通過輻射或感應的方式有意產(chǎn)生和發(fā)射RF(射頻)能量的裝置。
        注:紅外線設備(比如:紅外線遙控器)因為紅外線不屬于RF(射頻),所以它不屬于有意輻射體。另外,如果紅外線設備的clock frequency(時鐘頻率)小于9KHz,那么它也不需要FCC Doc測試;如果clock frequency(時鐘頻率)大于9KHz,那么它需要FCC測試,必須符合FCC Part 15.209Radiated emission limits.-輻射測試)

        Unintentional radiator
        (無意輻射體)-定義. A device that intentionally generates radio frequency energy for use within the device, or that sends radio frequency signals by conduction to associated equipment via connecting wiring, but which is not intended to emit RF energy by radiation or induction.有意產(chǎn)生射頻能量供給裝置內(nèi)部使用或通過連線將射頻信號傳送給有關設備使用,但不是有意輻射或感應的方式來發(fā)射射頻能量的任一裝置。




        億博檢測高級銷售顧問certified engineer


        胡玲 2012年進入億博檢測技術有限公司,擔任高級銷售顧問。
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      2. FCC ID認證官網(wǎng)查詢方法
      3. 美國FCC發(fā)布新版的388624 D02 PBA文件
      4. 部分電子設備可免除美國FCC EMC測試
      5. 美國FCC發(fā)布數(shù)字傳輸系統(tǒng)DTS符合性測量指南文件

      6. 此文關鍵詞:FCC,FCC Part
        黑人强伦姧人妻日韩777,天天在线中文无码视每天大量更新,国产 国产 高清,亚洲无码少妇毛
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